- Name Landsbankinn hf.
- Secondary Name Landsbankinn
- Address Austurstraeti 11, REYKJAVIK, IS 155, ICELAND
- National ID 4710080280 Kennitala
- HitHorizons ID H-IS0000847844
- Type Corporation
- Est. of Ownership 2008
Top 5 companies according to Sales in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate in Iceland
Company name, sales & share | Sales | Market share | |
1. | Islandsbanki hf. € 758.7M 12.33% | € 758.7M | 12.33% |
2. | Arion banki hf. € 488.4M 7.94% | € 488.4M | 7.94% |
3. | Landsbankinn hf. | ||
4. | Festi hf. € 272.7M 4.43% | € 272.7M | 4.43% |
5. | Gudrunarborg ehf. € 197.7M 3.21% | € 197.7M | 3.21% |
Sales Size Ranking
Landsbankinn hf.'s SALES are in 10th decile among all companies operating in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate in Iceland