- Name Occupational Safety & Health Consulting SH.P.K.
- Address Anton Cetta 5a, PRISHTINE, 10000, KOSOVO
- National ID 810136376 NUI
- HitHorizons ID H-XK0000503940
- Type Corporation
- Est. of Ownership 2018
Top 5 companies according to Sales in Public Sector in Kosovo
Company name, sales & share | Sales | Market share | |
1. | KOMUNA E GJAKOVES € 31.39M 24.62% | € 31.39M | 24.62% |
2. | KUVENDI I REPUBLIKES SE KOSOVES € 28.57M 22.4% | € 28.57M | 22.4% |
3. | KUVENDI I KOMUNES SE PRISHTINES € 26.87M 21.08% | € 26.87M | 21.08% |
4. | MINISTRIA E FINANCAVE € 15.62M 12.25% | € 15.62M | 12.25% |
5. | Occupational Safety & Health Consulting SH.P.K. |
Sales Size Ranking
Occupational Safety & Health Consulting SH.P.K.'s SALES are in 10th decile among all companies operating in Public Sector in Kosovo