Database of companies registered in Portugal
According to our database (as of January 2025), there are 814,000+ entities (companies, organisations and proprietorships) registered in Portugal. 298,000+ of them are Partnership Of Unknown Types, followed by 234,000+ Corporations.
- 814,000+
- registered entities
- € 561.88B
- total sales
- 5.27M
- total number of employees
What Our
Database Offers
on Portugal
- Registration data:
- company name, national identifier, address, business activity, year of establishment, company type, location type,
- Sales:
- sales in EUR, USD and local currency,
- Employees:
- total and local number of employees,
- Industry data:
- regional benchmarking,
- Contacts:
- Email, Phone Numbers, Social Media Links,
- Patents:
- IPC Classication, Individual Patent Data, Patent Statistics
- 814,348
- Number of Entities
- VAT Numbers Available
- 54,577
- Entities with Contacts
- 82,673
- Entities with Webs
- Contacts
- Online Contact Finder
- CAE Rev.3
- Local Activity Classification
- National ID Classification
- Local Currency
Get Access to the
Database of 80M+ European Companies
HitHorizons API
100+ data points on 80M+ companies registered in Portugal and 49 other countries (including the whole of Europe) in any software. Add company data to your CRM with Sales & Marketing Data API, find new relevant leads using Screener API, and keep invoicing details up-to-date with Invoicing Data API.
HitHorizons Screener
Our lead generation and market research tool filters through the whole database and helps users find relevant data on companies registered in Portugal or in any of the 49 countries covered by HitHorizons. Simply pick filtering and sorting criteria relevant to you and download lists of companies in CSV for further processing in any software.
Get in touch with us at,
and we will send you a quote based on your company's goals and data needs.
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and we will send you a quote based on your company's goals and data needs.
HitHorizons offers easily searchable information to give us a quick business overview on companies, including headcount and turnover all over Europe. Thus, Hithorizons makes our work faster and more efficient, and I would gladly recommend this tool further.”