- Name Ministerstvo prumyslu a obchodu
- Secondary Name MPO CR
- Address Na Frantisku 1039/32, Praha 1 - Staré Mesto, 110 00, Hlavní mesto Praha, CZECH REPUBLIC
- National ID 47609109 ICO
- HitHorizons ID H-CZ0009770313
- Type Local Government Body
- Est. of Ownership 1992
Top 5 companies according to Sales in Public Sector in Czech Republic
Company name, sales & share | Sales | Market share | |
1. | Statutární mesto Brno € 577.4M 2.32% | € 577.4M | 2.32% |
2. | Statutární mesto Ostrava € 401.4M 1.61% | € 401.4M | 1.61% |
3. | Liberecký kraj € 182.7M 0.73% | € 182.7M | 0.73% |
4. | Státní pozemkový úrad € 178M 0.71% | € 178M | 0.71% |
4. | Ministerstvo prumyslu a obchodu |
Sales Size Ranking
Ministerstvo prumyslu a obchodu's SALES are in 10th decile among all companies operating in Public Sector in Czech Republic