HitHorizons for Microsoft Teams
Find companies in the HitHorizons database and share their basic profiles within Microsoft Teams chats using our free app. Alternatively, build your own Microsoft Teams app with our API and get access to all the data on 80M+ companies from 50 countries.

Profiles of 80M+ European companies right in your Microsoft Teams
Find and share company details right in your Microsoft Teams chats with our free app
Look up the company you need using our Search Bot or autocomplete search with predictive suggestions. Share that company’s profile containing full business name, national ID, and address, directly in your Microsoft Teams chats. If you need more details, one click will take you to a full company profile available at hithorizons.com.

Build your own app for Microsoft Teams using our API
Create company profiles tailored to your team’s needs. Get access to 100+ data points such as companies’ industry, sales performance, number of employees, and our proprietary HitHorizons Size Ranking. Autocomplete search and predictive suggestions will help you find relevant company profiles and share them without leaving Microsoft Teams.