Industry Breakdown of Companies
in Cyprus
Explore more than 230,045 Cyprus-based companies available in the HitHorizons database and see top industries and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.
According to our database, a total of more than 230,045 businesses are registered in Cyprus . That represents 0.51% of all companies available in the HitHorizons database. These Cyprus-based companies have a share of 0.38% of all sales generated by EU-based businesses and employ 0.16% of all EU employees.
Cyprus: TOP Industries
According to our database, the industry with the highest number of companies registered is Unknown industry (106,455 companies in total), followed by Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (37,167) and Services (31,237).
Cyprus: TOP Industries 230,045 registered companies
Industry, Number of Companies | Number of Companies |
Market Share | ||
Unknown industry 106,455 46.3% | 106,455 | 46.3% | ||
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 37,167 16.2% | 37,167 | 16.2% | ||
Services 31,237 13.6% | 31,237 | 13.6% | ||
Wholesale Trade 24,262 10.5% | 24,262 | 10.5% | ||
Retail Trade 12,527 5.4% | 12,527 | 5.4% | ||
Construction 7,064 3.1% | 7,064 | 3.1% | ||
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 5,414 2.4% | 5,414 | 2.4% | ||
Manufacturing 4,581 2.0% | 4,581 | 2.0% | ||
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 1,076 0.5% | 1,076 | 0.5% | ||
Mining 138 0.1% | 138 | 0.1% | ||
Public Sector 124 0.1% | 124 | 0.1% |
Cyprus: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code) is used to assign companies to specific industries. According to our database, the top 3 SIC Codes for Cyprus are Non classified establishment (46.28%), Whol non durable goods (7.91%) and Misc business credit institutions (6.36%).
Cyprus: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code 230,045 registered companies
Cyprus: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales
According to our database, companies registered in the Cyprus generated € 319,247,616,640 in sales, which represents 0.38% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database.
Cyprus: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 230,045 registered companies
Company Name, Sales & Share | Sales | Market Share | ||
1. | MERCURIA ENERGY GROUP LIMITED € 96.27B 30.16% | € 96.27B | 30.16% | |
2. | KRU OVERSEAS LIMITED € 5.758B 1.8% | € 5.758B | 1.8% | |
3. | HOLBORN EUROPEAN MARKETING COMPANY LIMITED € 5.082B 1.59% | € 5.082B | 1.59% | |
4. | ORACLE SYSTEMS LIMITED € 4.527B 1.42% | € 4.527B | 1.42% | |
5. | TAMOIL OVERSEAS LIMITED € 3.645B 1.14% | € 3.645B | 1.14% | |
6. | AKELIUS APARTMENTS LIMITED € 3.626B 1.14% | € 3.626B | 1.14% | |
7. | POLYMETAL INTERNATIONAL PLC € 2.89B 0.91% | € 2.89B | 0.91% | |
8. | MINTHA HOLDING LIMITED € 2.852B 0.89% | € 2.852B | 0.89% | |
9. | ASBISC ENTERPRISES PLC € 1.964B 0.62% | € 1.964B | 0.62% | |
10. | KRONOSPAN HOLDINGS P.L.C. € 1.938B 0.61% | € 1.938B | 0.61% | |
Total Sales of the TOP 10 Companies | € 128.6B | 40.27% |
Cyprus: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees
According to our database, companies registered in the UK employ 621,909 people, which represents 0.16% of all people employed by companies available in the HitHorizons database. The company with the highest number of employees is BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC (39,000), followed by IMAR BANK OFF SHORE LTD (13,000) and NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD (6,000).
Cyprus: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees 230,045 registered companies
Company Name, Employees & Share | Number of Employees | Market Share | ||
1. | BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC 39,000 6.27% | 39,000 | 6.27% | |
2. | IMAR BANK OFF SHORE LTD 13,000 2.09% | 13,000 | 2.09% | |
3. | NEAR EAST UNIVERSITY LTD 6,000 0.96% | 6,000 | 0.96% | |
4. | THARISA PLC 5,263 0.85% | 5,263 | 0.85% | |
5. | TEMANIA ENTERPRISES LTD 4,171 0.67% | 4,171 | 0.67% | |
6. | VOYAGER KIBRIS LTD 3,100 0.5% | 3,100 | 0.5% | |
8. | BANK OF CYPRUS PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED 2,483 0.4% | 2,483 | 0.4% | |
9. | PHC FRANCHISED RESTAURANTS PUBLIC LIMITED 2,400 0.39% | 2,400 | 0.39% | |
10. | CYPRUS TELECOMMUNICATIONS AUTHORITY 2,300 0.37% | 2,300 | 0.37% | |
Total Number of Employees of the TOP 10 Companies | 80,619 | 12.96% |
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