Industry Breakdown of Companies
in Poland
Explore more than 1,606,455 Poland-based companies available in the HitHorizons database and see top industries and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.
According to our database, a total of more than 1,606,455 businesses are registered in Poland . That represents 3.55% of all companies available in the HitHorizons database. These Poland-based companies have a share of 1.91% of all sales generated by EU-based businesses and employ 3.07% of all EU employees.
Poland: TOP Industries
According to our database, the industry with the highest number of companies registered is Services (616,160 companies in total), followed by Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (329,434) and Retail Trade (176,308).
Poland: TOP Industries 1,606,455 registered companies
Industry, Number of Companies | Number of Companies |
Market Share | ||
Services 616,160 38.4% | 616,160 | 38.4% | ||
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 329,434 20.5% | 329,434 | 20.5% | ||
Retail Trade 176,308 11.0% | 176,308 | 11.0% | ||
Wholesale Trade 123,667 7.7% | 123,667 | 7.7% | ||
Manufacturing 103,960 6.5% | 103,960 | 6.5% | ||
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 93,632 5.8% | 93,632 | 5.8% | ||
Construction 90,116 5.6% | 90,116 | 5.6% | ||
Public Sector 27,235 1.7% | 27,235 | 1.7% | ||
Unknown industry 22,853 1.4% | 22,853 | 1.4% | ||
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 20,826 1.3% | 20,826 | 1.3% | ||
Mining 2,264 0.1% | 2,264 | 0.1% |
Poland: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code) is used to assign companies to specific industries. According to our database, the top 3 SIC Codes for Poland are Real estate agent/manager (12.77%), Membership organization (7.12%) and Subdivider/developer (2.94%).
Poland: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code 1,606,455 registered companies
Poland: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales
According to our database, companies registered in the Poland generated € 1,618,708,184,631 in sales, which represents 1.91% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database.
Poland: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 1,606,455 registered companies
Company Name, Sales & Share | Sales | Market Share | ||
1. | ORLEN S A € 44.93B 2.78% | € 44.93B | 2.78% | |
2. | NARODOWY FUNDUSZ ZDROWIA € 30.2B 1.87% | € 30.2B | 1.87% | |
3. | JERONIMO MARTINS POLSKA S A € 18.57B 1.15% | € 18.57B | 1.15% | |
4. | LG ENERGY SOLUTION WROCLAW SP Z O O € 8.894B 0.55% | € 8.894B | 0.55% | |
5. | TOTALIZATOR SPORTOWY SP Z O O € 8.604B 0.53% | € 8.604B | 0.53% | |
6. | PGE POLSKA GRUPA ENERGETYCZNA S A € 7.843B 0.48% | € 7.843B | 0.48% | |
7. | LIDL SP Z O O SPÓLKA KOMANDYTOWA € 7.286B 0.45% | € 7.286B | 0.45% | |
8. | ARCELORMITTAL POLAND S A € 7.204B 0.45% | € 7.204B | 0.45% | |
9. | TAURON POLSKA ENERGIA S A € 6.405B 0.4% | € 6.405B | 0.4% | |
10. | KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S A € 6.207B 0.38% | € 6.207B | 0.38% | |
Total Sales of the TOP 10 Companies | € 146.1B | 9.03% |
Poland: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees
According to our database, companies registered in the UK employ 11,907,727 people, which represents 3.07% of all people employed by companies available in the HitHorizons database. The company with the highest number of employees is JERONIMO MARTINS POLSKA S A (77,727), followed by POCZTA POLSKA S A (66,596) and ZAKLAD UBEZPIECZEN SPOLECZNYCH (43,099).
Poland: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees 1,606,455 registered companies
Company Name, Employees & Share | Number of Employees | Market Share | ||
1. | JERONIMO MARTINS POLSKA S A 77,727 0.65% | 77,727 | 0.65% | |
2. | POCZTA POLSKA S A 66,596 0.56% | 66,596 | 0.56% | |
3. | ZAKLAD UBEZPIECZEN SPOLECZNYCH 43,099 0.36% | 43,099 | 0.36% | |
4. | POLSKA GRUPA GÓRNICZA S A 39,000 0.33% | 39,000 | 0.33% | |
5. | PKP POLSKIE LINIE KOLEJOWE S A 37,711 0.32% | 37,711 | 0.32% | |
6. | DINO POLSKA S A 35,399 0.3% | 35,399 | 0.3% | |
7. | POWSZECHNA KASA OSZCZEDNOSCI BANK POLSKI S A 21,364 0.18% | 21,364 | 0.18% | |
8. | JASTRZEBSKA SPÓLKA WEGLOWA S A 21,353 0.18% | 21,353 | 0.18% | |
9. | KGHM POLSKA MIEDZ S A 18,680 0.16% | 18,680 | 0.16% | |
10. | AUCHAN POLSKA SP Z O O 18,015 0.15% | 18,015 | 0.15% | |
Total Number of Employees of the TOP 10 Companies | 378,944 | 3.18% |
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