Industry Breakdown of Companies
in Finland
Explore more than 716,755 Finland-based companies available in the HitHorizons database and see top industries and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.
According to our database, a total of more than 716,755 businesses are registered in Finland . That represents 1.59% of all companies available in the HitHorizons database. These Finland-based companies have a share of 1.08% of all sales generated by EU-based businesses and employ 0.47% of all EU employees.
Finland: TOP Industries
According to our database, the industry with the highest number of companies registered is Services (200,352 companies in total), followed by Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (161,563) and Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing (105,975).
Finland: TOP Industries 716,755 registered companies
Industry, Number of Companies | Number of Companies |
Market Share | ||
Services 200,352 28.0% | 200,352 | 28.0% | ||
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 161,563 22.5% | 161,563 | 22.5% | ||
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 105,975 14.8% | 105,975 | 14.8% | ||
Unknown industry 79,321 11.1% | 79,321 | 11.1% | ||
Construction 45,606 6.4% | 45,606 | 6.4% | ||
Manufacturing 38,670 5.4% | 38,670 | 5.4% | ||
Retail Trade 38,494 5.4% | 38,494 | 5.4% | ||
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 23,930 3.3% | 23,930 | 3.3% | ||
Wholesale Trade 20,215 2.8% | 20,215 | 2.8% | ||
Public Sector 1,485 0.2% | 1,485 | 0.2% | ||
Mining 1,144 0.2% | 1,144 | 0.2% |
Finland: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code
The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code) is used to assign companies to specific industries. According to our database, the top 3 SIC Codes for Finland are Real property lessor (18.98%), Non classified establishment (11.07%) and Forestry services (11.04%).
Finland: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code 716,755 registered companies
Finland: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales
According to our database, companies registered in the Finland generated € 918,596,584,231 in sales, which represents 1.08% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database.
Finland: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 716,755 registered companies
Company Name, Sales & Share | Sales | Market Share | ||
1. | Neste Oyj € 22.93B 2.5% | € 22.93B | 2.5% | |
2. | Nokia Oyj € 22.26B 2.42% | € 22.26B | 2.42% | |
3. | Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy € 14.37B 1.56% | € 14.37B | 1.56% | |
4. | Kesko Oyj € 11.81B 1.29% | € 11.81B | 1.29% | |
5. | Stora Enso Oyj € 11.35B 1.24% | € 11.35B | 1.24% | |
6. | KONE Oyj € 10.91B 1.19% | € 10.91B | 1.19% | |
7. | UPM-Kymmene Oyj € 10.46B 1.14% | € 10.46B | 1.14% | |
8. | Outokumpu Oyj € 9.494B 1.03% | € 9.494B | 1.03% | |
9. | Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskuskunta € 8.434B 0.92% | € 8.434B | 0.92% | |
10. | St1 Nordic Oy € 8.21B 0.89% | € 8.21B | 0.89% | |
Total Sales of the TOP 10 Companies | € 130.2B | 14.18% |
Finland: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees
According to our database, companies registered in the UK employ 1,840,504 people, which represents 0.47% of all people employed by companies available in the HitHorizons database. The company with the highest number of employees is Seure Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy (7,606), followed by Tampereen korkeakoulusäätiö sr (3,669) and Posti Palvelut Oy (3,290).
Finland: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees 716,755 registered companies
Company Name, Employees & Share | Number of Employees | Market Share | ||
1. | Seure Henkilöstöpalvelut Oy 7,606 0.41% | 7,606 | 0.41% | |
2. | Tampereen korkeakoulusäätiö sr 3,669 0.2% | 3,669 | 0.2% | |
3. | Posti Palvelut Oy 3,290 0.18% | 3,290 | 0.18% | |
4. | L&T Siivous Oy 2,855 0.16% | 2,855 | 0.16% | |
5. | RTK-Palvelu Oy 2,683 0.15% | 2,683 | 0.15% | |
6. | Palmia Oy 2,336 0.13% | 2,336 | 0.13% | |
7. | Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy 2,155 0.12% | 2,155 | 0.12% | |
8. | Onvire oy 2,082 0.11% | 2,082 | 0.11% | |
9. | Bolt.Works Oy 2,061 0.11% | 2,061 | 0.11% | |
10. | Kontio Invest Oy 2,022 0.11% | 2,022 | 0.11% | |
Total Number of Employees of the TOP 10 Companies | 30,759 | 1.67% |
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