Industry Breakdown of Companies
in France

Explore more than 6,487,468 France-based companies available in the HitHorizons database and see top industries and biggest players with highest sales and number of employees.

Current Country: France 6,487,468 (14.7%)
Largest Country: United Kingdom 6,950,499 (15.7%)
Total Number of Companies in Europe 44,253,325

According to our database, a total of more than 6,487,468 businesses are registered in France . That represents 14.66% of all companies available in the HitHorizons database. These France-based companies have a share of 7.19% of all sales generated by EU-based businesses and employ 5.61% of all EU employees.

France: TOP Industries

According to our database, the industry with the highest number of companies registered is Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (2,713,246 companies in total), followed by Services (2,092,089) and Retail Trade (562,683).

This TOP 10 list was generated automatically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and get more data and insights on specific countries, industries, or segments with HitHorizons Screener.

France: TOP Industries 6,487,468 registered companies

  Industry, Number of Companies Number of
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate 2,713,246 41.8% 2,713,246
Services 2,092,089 32.2% 2,092,089
Retail Trade 562,683 8.7% 562,683
Construction 353,112 5.4% 353,112
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing 251,377 3.9% 251,377
Wholesale Trade 153,422 2.4% 153,422
Transportation, Communications, Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 149,693 2.3% 149,693
Manufacturing 142,329 2.2% 142,329
Public Sector 48,228 0.7% 48,228
Unknown industry 19,792 0.3% 19,792
Mining 1,497 0.0% 1,497

France: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code

The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code) is used to assign companies to specific industries. According to our database, the top 3 SIC Codes for France are Real property lessor (31.1%), Membership organization (7.84%) and Amusement/recreation services (5.02%).

This breakdown was generated automarically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and find companies leading within individual SIC Codes, SIC Code distribution among individual countries, or SIC Code breakdowns within other industries using HitHorizons Screener.

France: Breakdown of Companies by SIC Code 6,487,468 registered companies

France: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales

According to our database, companies registered in the France generated € 5,820,706,971,144 in sales, which represents 7.19% of all sales generated by companies available in the HitHorizons database.

This TOP 10 list of companies operating in France was generated automatically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and get more data and insights on specific countries, industries, or segments with HitHorizons Screener.

France: TOP 10 Companies with Highest Sales 6,487,468 registered companies

  Company Name, Sales & Share Sales
1. ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE € 87.13B 1.5% € 87.13B
2. STELLANTIS AUTO SAS € 62.69B 1.08% € 62.69B
3. CMA CGM € 52.08B 0.89% € 52.08B
4. AIRBUS € 47.05B 0.81% € 47.05B
5. RENAULT SAS € 38.74B 0.67% € 38.74B
6. ENGIE € 36.22B 0.62% € 36.22B
9. CSF € 22.78B 0.39% € 22.78B
10. ORANGE € 22.49B 0.39% € 22.49B
Total Sales of the TOP 10 Companies € 423.4B

France: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees

According to our database, companies registered in the UK employ 21,867,106 people, which represents 5.61% of all people employed by companies available in the HitHorizons database. The company with the highest number of employees is ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE (62,035), followed by ORANGE (61,941) and ONET SERVICES (34,805).

This TOP 10 list of companies with the highest number of employees was generated automatically using the latest data from the HitHorizons database. Search through the whole HitHorizons database using filtering criteria relevant for your search and get more data and insights on specific countries, industries, or segments with HitHorizons Screener.

France: Top 10 Companies with Highest Number of Employees 6,487,468 registered companies

  Company Name, Employees & Share Number of Employees
1. ELECTRICITE DE FRANCE 62,035 0.28% 62,035
2. ORANGE 61,941 0.28% 61,941
3. ONET SERVICES 34,805 0.16% 34,805
4. EURO DISNEY ASSOCIES SAS 15,450 0.07% 15,450
5. GRDF 11,332 0.05% 11,332
6. CGI FRANCE 10,739 0.05% 10,739
7. AUCHAN SUPERMARCHE 10,535 0.05% 10,535
8. ALSTOM TRANSPORT SA 10,400 0.05% 10,400
9. DALKIA 10,166 0.05% 10,166
10. ISS FACILITY SERVICES 10,000 0.05% 10,000
Total Number of Employees of the TOP 10 Companies 237,403

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